Chin & Jawline Enhancement

Defining the face.

The chin and jaw are important aspects of the facial structure. We augment these areas differently for men and women to either feminise or masculinise the face.

To create a masculine appearance, we aim for jaws and chin to be wide, square, and sharp, whereas, for women, we aim for a softer appearance of these features with more of an oval shape to the face, with slightly less of a sharp angle to the jaw.

Augmenting the chin to create projection or length of the lower face can improve the side profile and harmonise the overall proportions of the face where needed.

Prices start from £350.

How does it work?

A mixture of needle and cannula work is used in this area to achieve a natural aesthetic result. Dense dermal fillers are used, which recreate bone and give a very long-lasting result.

The procedure is almost painless, and most people describe the feeling as more of a pressure sensation rather than pain.

This treatment can be performed alongside many of our other treatments at our Kingston and Marylebone, London clinic. Sometimes we combine jawline filler with Cheek filler, Tear Trough filler, Nasolabial & Marionette line filler in our 8-point facelift.

The combination of these treatments can result in a drastic improvement to the whole face and a more youthful, lifted appearance.

Explore our gallery page to view some real-life examples of patients who have had chin and jawline filler treatments. Here is a link to see some jawline filler before and after pictures.

Our gallery features a diverse range of before and after images of patients who have had various non-surgical treatments at our aesthetics clinics. Whether you are interested in lip fillers, non-surgical rhinoplasty, non-surgical facelifts, tear through filler or any other treatment, our gallery has a wide variety of examples to help you visualise the potential results of your procedure.

Chin & Jawline Filler in Kingston & Marylebone, London

If you're looking for the best jawline filler near you in Kingston & Marylebone, London at affordable prices, our 5* rated treatment expert can help.

Our expert and a highly experienced, Dr Arun Karwal has over 6 years of experience in aesthetics. With his experience in aesthetics, his knowledge and skills has helped boost the confidence for thousands of patients across Kingston and Marylebone, London.

Want to see before & after images of real patients?

Chin & Jawline Filler

from £350

✔️ Stunning long lasting results

✔️ Competitive prices

✔️ Quick & pain free treatment

✔️ Friendly & highly experienced doctors

✔️ 12,000+ clients treated so far

✔️ 125+ 5* Google reviews

  • Procedure time

    15 - 60 minutes

  • Number of sessions

    Just one

  • Appearance of results


  • Result longevity

    1.5 - 2 years

  • Recovery time

    Some potential swelling for around 1 week. All swelling settles by 2 weeks.

Quick and Long Lasting Results  

The chin and jawline filler procedure takes approximately 30-45 minutes and you can carry on with the rest of your day as normal. Results will be apparent immediately after your jawline filler treatment.

These treatment typically lasts for approximately 12-18 months before requiring a top-up. This treatment cost starts from £250 for 1 ml of dermal filler.

All our doctors are registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) so you can rest assured that you're in safe hands with our expert team.

So why not come in chat and see if jawline filler can work for you.

Although most of our jawline filler patients are from Kingston and Marylebone, London thanks to our 5-star Google reviews and recommendations we have many regular patients that visit us from all parts of London including Mayfair, Richmond, Twickenham and Hampton.


  • No, this treatment is not permanent. We use hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, which are the safest because they are reversible. Therefore, the treatment can be reversed at any time if the client does not like the result or if there is a complication.

  • We use high-density Juvederm and Intraline range fillers to create a fantastic definition and shape of the chin and jaw. We use dense fillers as they can hold shape and structure well, which is required for this area of the face as we are recreating the structure of bone.

  • Absolutely.

    People can form jowls due to bone and fat loss from the back of the jaw, which causes the skin to droop forward, resulting in jowl formation.

    We can treat the jowl area directly and indirectly with fillers. By injecting the jowl region directly, we can reduce the indentation caused by the jowl. Treating the jaw and replacing the lost volume can create a slight pulling effect, further minimising jowls.

  • Volumes can vary widely between different clients and the desired outcome. To improve the chin, we may use 1-2ml. For jawline enhancement, this can require between 2-6ml depending on a number of factors which can be explored during consultation.

    1. No alcohol or exercise for 24 hours

    2. No hot showers or sauna/steam rooms for the rest of the day

  • We offer chin and jawline filler in Marylebone clinic and we offer chin and jawline filler in Kingston clinic.

    Chin and jawline filler Mayfair- 2nd Floor, 15 Dover Street, W1S 4LP

    Chin and jawline filler Kingston - 169 Richmond Road, KT2 5DA